When I was young my family would go on small camping trips. I don't remember much about the campsites or where we went but I do remember the fantastic smells of food cooking over the small two-burner Coleman stove. Here is one of my favorites that I still make today. I think you'll enjoy it. Simple, fast and delicious is all I'll say about it. Give it a try tomorrow morning. Your kids will even love this one.
1 package of sliced bologna. Thin sliced works best.
2 eggs.
1 cup of shredded potatoes.
Shredded cheese of your choice.
Salt, Pepper as seasoning.
1 Naval orange sliced.
In a frying pan (preferably iron skillet) drizzle a small amount of butter, Pam or olive oil.
Place a slice of bologna onto the hot pan being sure that it heats evenly. You would normally slice into one side of the meat to keep it from curling but don't do that. You want it to curl up at the edges forming a small cup.
While this is frying take another pan and scramble the eggs. I prefer to mix the cheese into the eggs while they're cooking but if you prefer you can just add it to the top after the eggs have cooked.
Once the meat is fried and curled place the scrambled eggs in the small cup that has been formed.
While all of the cooking was going on you should also have been frying your shredded potatoes to a nice browned consistency. Serve these along with your fried bologna bowl along with a slice of fresh Naval Orange.
And to drink along with this tasty meal... perhaps a tall glass of frosty orange juice or a nice hot cup of coffee.
Good Morning To You!
Steve and Kim