Thought we would share a few nifty kitchen tips this week. Here's the first of many.
Instead of throwing away fruit when it gets a little too ripe (and your family turns it's collective nose up at it) try this. Cut off all the bad spots and peel the fruit. Use it to top ice-cream, or to bake breads, or best of all, to make an old-fashioned cobbler with.
HOWEVER... If none of these ideas thrill you, here's a really inventive one: again you cut and clean the fruit. Drop chunks into a large covered jar with a half bottle of brandy in it. (I don't drink but you get the picture). Let the mixture set, adding fruit whenever you have it. Soon, in a couple of months, you have a great dessert topping and a crowd pleaser for your next "adult" party. At least that's what I've been told. Most can't remember eating it. :)
Steve and Kim
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