Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Good morning everyone.  I thought today I'd share a couple of helpful hints and tricks.  The first one covers facts about filling. 
Sometimes when fresh fruit is plentiful and you don't have the time to make an entire pie, try this:

Mix the fruit as you would in preparing a pie.  Put the pie filling in several pie pans lined with waxed paper or aluminum foil.  Cover and freeze.  When you have time to prepare crusts or if you want to fill a frozen pie crust, just pop your pie-shaped fillings into the crust and bake.

**Add a spoonful of tapioca to pie fillings that contain especially juicy fruits.  The tapioca absorbs the excess juice and keeps the filling in the crust.

For more helpful hints and tips be sure to sign up for our newsletter on the right opt-in form.  We won't bug you (much) but we will give you more hints and tricks over the upcoming weeks and months.

Talk again soon.  Steve and Kim

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