Friday, January 22, 2010

The Secret to Perfect Pasta

Pasta in the window of a pasta speciality stor...Image via Wikipedia

Here's the secret to perfect pasta. It's quick, simple and you'll love to use it everytime you prepare your favorite pasta dish.

1. Place an appropriate, uncovered kettle on the stove with one liter (about 4 cups) of water for each 100 g (about 4 ounces) of pasta.
2. Heat the water to a boil. Add the pasta in small amounts at a time so the water does not stop boiling. Add about 6 g (about 1 teaqspoon) of salt for each liter of water. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon to prevent sticking.
3. Fresh pasta requires only 3-4 minutes of cooking.
4. Dry pasta should be removed from the heat when it is al dente; in other words, well cooked but firm consistency.
5. Drain in a colander without rinsing with cold water.
6. After draining, add a little oil to keep the pasta from sticking.

There you have it. The secret to perfect pasta. It works every time.

Enjoy and happy eating.

Steve and Kim

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