Thursday, January 19, 2012

Yes you can freeze your bananas

What to do if your most recent purchase of bananas turns ripe all at the same time.  It would be a shame to just throw them away and the chances are good that you probably don't have time to quickly whip up a banana cream pie right now, right?
Okay, there is hope.  Here's what you can do.  I know that most people say you can't freeze bananas but they, quite simply, are wrong.  You can freeze them and enjoy them up to six months later.  Here's what to do:
Peel all of your over ripe bananas and mash them up.  Combine the juice of 1 lemon for every 6 bananas or if you don't have a lemon simply use the fake citrus acid stuff you can buy at the store.  Mix the bananas with the juice and put it in a airtight container or in freezer wrap.  Then send off a quick note to Chiquita telling them what you've done and that you have some great recipes for mashed and frozen banana bread, banana cake, banana pudding etc.  Of course you'll have to thaw them before you can use them but hey, a few hours on the counter will take care of that.
Now, go eat something.  You look hungry.  I would suggest some banana pancakes with whipped topping.  Yummy!

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