Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Eat Cherries to Satisfy Your Hunger and Purify Your Blood

The Bing cherry owes its development to the Ch...Image via Wikipedia

Anyone who has ever had anything to do with cherries knows that when birds start to eat them they are ripe and delicious. A cherry blossom is not only beautiful it signals a time of year that everyone can enjoy. Cherry festivals abound throughout the summer months and add a cheerful note to the season.

There are several advantages to eating cherries. First, they must be eaten one by one, chewing them well to get all of the rich delicious flavor out of them.

A cherry treatment: Eating one-half kg of ripe cherries as the only food three or four times a day for two or three days is a great way to lose weight. Cherries make you feel full and therefore you eat less. If you have a delicate stomach you can boil them before eating. For a stronger effect you can drink several cups of tea made by boiling 50 g of cherry stems in a liter of water for about 5 minutes.

Cherry recipes abound and cherries fit perfectly into a variety of fruit pies, jams and compotes.

So, the next time you need a refreshing snack why not try cherries? You'll enjoy them and maybe even lose a little weight in the process.

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