Sometimes it is just simply too hot to bake anything in the kitchen. You don't want the heat from your oven heating up the kitchen yet you are craving a piece of your favorite cake. So what do you do? Well, here's a simple solution to that problem. Use your microwave, a few spare minutes and your favorite cake recipe or right out of the box cake mix. Put it into a cup and "bake" it in the microwave. Works every time and tastes great. Here's a sample you'll enjoy.
Chocolate is my favorite. Here's what I do.
4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional) a small splash of vanilla
1 large coffee mug
Add the dry ingredients to your favorite mug, and mix well.
Add the egg and mix thoroughly.
Pour in the milk and oil and mix well.
Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla extract, and mix again.
Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes. A 1000 watts microwave works best.
Of course your cake will rise over the top of the mug, but that's okay. It is just more to enjoy.
Allow the cake to cool and then enjoy. If you'd prefer you can tip it out of the cup for easier access (that would be spelled putting ice cream right next to or on top of your cake.)
Now simply enjoy your special treat. Better hurry though, here come the kids!
**Use Caution** When cooking in your microwave start out first with 1 to 1 1/2 minute time setting. If you go too long you'll burn the cake from the inside out and it makes your microwave smell funky for a long time. Adjust the time as needed. Trust me! I know these things...
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